Ms. Cuellar's Classroom Management Plan
Independent Work
During independent work the students are to:
Conversation: Students should have a voice level of 0 during independent work, and must not talk to one another during this time.
Help: Students are to raise their hand silently for any questions they may have about the independent work they are completing. If they are waiting to be helped, then they are to wait patiently, quietly, and remain in their seats (unless for an emergency). It is preferable for the students to stop raising their hands if the teacher is still answering another student, and other students should decide who raised their hands first when indicated by the teacher.
Activity: During independent work the student is expected to work on the assignment until they are completely finished. Although their voice level should remain at 0.
Movement: There is minimal movement during independent work. Students are to be seated at all times, and only one student can be up at a time to do something within the classroom that will allow them to finish the assignment or go to the restroom.
Particpation: Students are to independently do their work at their desk, and they are not to walk around or talk to others while working.