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Beginning of Class

  • For a Medium Structure Classroom: Before class even begins I will make sure to warmly greet my students in the hallway while I'm standing outside my classroom door. Students should go to the restroom before coming to class in order for the teacher to take attendance during the warm-up, but the students may go during independent work or ten minutes into the class. The students should be seated in their assigned seats (may or may not have been chosen by the teacher) with the materials they need for the day, which might include a warm-up activity or assignment found in a specified area in the front of the classroom or written on the board for the students to do accomplish what needs to be done during the warm up.

  • Low Structured Class: I will still greet my students by the door to maintain a positive student-teacher relationship. The students are motivated enough to get started on the warm up located in the front of the classroom. (They may have preferential seating for the six weeks.) These students may be knowledgeable that they should enter the classroom quietly, while they do the warm-up. Once the bell rings the teacher will take attendance while the students are working to finish up their assignment.                                                                      

  • High Structured Class: I will greet my students by the door to maintain a positive student-teacher relationship. The students have assigned seats set by the teacher, therefore they must sit there once they enter the classroom quietly. (Any disturbance entering the classroom will be addressed to the student by the teacher.) If the students are tardy they must enter the classroom quietly to not interrupt anything at the beginning of class, but will have a one-on-one discussion with the teacher once the students do independent work.    

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