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From Activity to End of Class

Students during this time will have medium structure from the teacher due to the students eagerness of wanting to finish the class.

  • Conversation: During this time the students are to finish their activity, and if they are needed to turn in the assignment, they will do so with the appropriate way in passing up their papers. Students are to have a voice level of 1 maximum during this transition. The students will have time to put their things away before the teacher starts reviewing the advanced organizer for the day and discussing what upcoming events will occur in the next class.

  • Help: Once the students are settled down from doing their work, the students should ask for help by raising their hands, and if they are waiting to be assisted, then they are to wait patiently, quietly, and remain in their seats (unless for an emergency). It is preferable for the students to stop raising their hands if the teacher is still helping another student, and other students should decide who raised their hands first when indicated by the teacher.

  • Activity: Students are to finish their activity, put away their materials within 1 minute maximum, and listen intently to the teacher when the teacher reviews the advanced organizer for the day and the events that will occur in the next appointed class time.                                                         

  • Movement: There should be no student out of their seat unless for an emergency. The students should be patient and quietly listening to the teacher before the teacher dismisses the class.                     

  • Participation: Students are to participate by having eyes on the teacher and listening intently to what the teacher is saying for the announcements. The students are not to leave their seats before dismissed, and they are not to talk while the teacher is speaking.  

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