Ms. Cuellar's Classroom Management Plan
Grading Guidelines
Students are to turn in homework, assignments, or projects on the issued due date. Which will be listed on the classroom calendar in class and on our classroom website, posted on the board in class, and posted on the assignment itself. (There should be no excuses other than if you are sick or have an emergency.)
Students should complete all homework, assignments, or projects fully in order to get full credit for the assignment. If not the student will have an additional ten point/percentage reduction, including the subtraction of anything done wrong on the assignment. Therefore students must attempt at everything on the assignment even if done wrong.
The student MUST be responsible enough to contact the teacher before the day an assignment is due and come in during tutoring hours for any assistance on anything they don't understand. Otherwise it may result in a reduced grade or possible zero for the assignment.
I will be fair for everyone's assignments in grading, so be truthful in your work as well. Avoid plagiarism or cheating on any assignment because this will not be tolerated at all in my class. (Cheaters will be caught and may be given a zero for the assignment depending on how the conference with those who committed the crime.)